Intuitive Mastery Program

​​​Introduction to Intuitive Mastery
Program Level 1
with Richard Lanza​
Introduction to Intuitive Mastery - Level 1
6 Sessions: July 21-August 25
Monday Nights from 7pm-9pm
Cost $300 Early Registration Discount -If registered by July 15
Cost $350 Late Registration Discount -If registered on or after July 16
Introduction To Intuitive Mastery Program is geared for the individual who has a strong desire to awaken and further develop their intuitive and psychic abilities. Class is open to all levels of experience.
Each participant will have the opportunity to discover their own unique style for receiving information through the intuitive senses. In this 6-session program you will better understand how the intuitive process works, learn techniques to deepen psychic ability, have direct experience of receiving information via psychic channels, become more aware of synchronistic events in your daily life, and practice doing psychic / intuitive readings on others.
Throughout the program there is a strong underlying component of developing greater self-trust and commitment to personal growth.
For more information, contact Richard: support@opendoors7.com or call 781-843-8224.